7 Metrics Every Ecommerce Marketer Should Follow To Achieve Growth

Every company that seeks growth should always track down a

Every company that seeks growth should always track down a number of key metrics that indicate the true state of the company.

I believe that when you start researching for that right set of metrics to follow you have to go through several filters:

  • The type of startup (Ecommerce, SaaS etc.)
  • The state of your startup (Pre product/market fit, growth and so forth)
  • The specific needs for your startup.

There isn’t one paticular set of metrics that fits everything, but there are a few that are core to each industry which you need to be familiar with.

With inspiration from the Lean analytics book and a project I’m currently consulting, I’ve decided to gather a few metrics which I believe are essential for eCommerce startups.

All the metrics presented in this infographic are explained on top-level. Therefore, I only relate to the industry, not to your startup state or specific needs. In order to use them, you will probably have to adjust to some of the formulas that fit your startup.


I hope you enjoy it and find it useful:

Metrics Every Ecommerce Marketer Should Follow To Achieve Growth
Metrics Every Ecommerce Marketer Should Follow To Achieve Growth


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7  Metrics Every Ecommerce Marketer Should Follow If They Want To Grow ( Tweet This)

Running an Ecommerce startup? Here are 7 Metrics To Keep Track Of (Tweet This)

If you’ll improve these 7 metrics, your ecommerce site will grow (Tweet This)

Are you currently measuring these 7 metrics for you ecommerce? (Tweet This)






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