Why some people think growth hacking is BS (and why itā€™s not)

In the last couple of years, growth hacking went from being the startupā€™s world golden boy to one of the most hated buzzwords around. It started with Intercomā€™s article from 2014 () and went on with articles such as ā€œ2016 is almost over, and growth hacking is still bullshitā€ from 3 years ago. But why […]

Growth Hacking Books: 12 books to start with

“What are the best books for startup growth hackers? ” Is one of the most common questions asked by aspiring growth hackers. Truth be told, is that there is no ā€œoneā€ book that you read and become a good growth hacker. To be more precise – thereā€™s also no one skill that will qualify you […]