Why I’m starting a new blog (and leaving my old content behind)

Starting a new blog is intimidating, right? Grabbing attention, building readership, having to produce a lot of content to build trust on your new domain. It’s quite a challenge. My old blog brought me to where I am today, and I’m scared as hell to leave it behind. But that’s what I’m doing right now. […]

With Instagram Stories out, should I still use Snapchat for marketing?

Instagram stories have been with us now for almost a month, and everybody is dying to know – Is the new Instagram Stories the Snapchat killer or not? Should I stop marketing on Snapchat? Above all, I will start making my case to why Instagram’s “Snapchat-Copycat” is far from killing anything and why you should […]

How to Use Content Marketing Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic

Imagine you were at the dinner table talking about a topic you’re very passionate about. You shared everything you know, and you poured your heart and soul into your spiel. But no one was listening. They carried on having their own conversations, and you got no response. That sucks, doesn’t it? Same thing happens when […]